Google Smart Campaigns for Small Businesses

Google’s New Offering is Specifically Aimed at Helping Small Businesses

Small businesses represent an ever growing part of the UK economy. Google has updated its AdWords service with this vital sector in mind.

This is the age of the small business. A record number of start ups have got off the ground over the past 12 months, and it is a trend that shows no sign of slowing down. A crowded marketplace in which online presence is everything has completely changed the face of marketing. This new dynamic lies at the heart of Google Smart Campaigns, its bespoke digital marketing solution for small businesses.

Using Google search to increase sales and market share is, in itself, nothing new and is the basis of PPC management. The idea behind Google Smart Campaigns is to make the entire process as automated as possible, making it a tool that is attractive to businesses of every type and size, even those that have limited time, budget or in-house expertise to expend on digital marketing.

Tangible Results

In introducing the new service, Google has steered away from the techno-jargon and acronyms that can turn business users off. The focus is on creating simple direct ads that will be directed at a business’s target demographic and will generate new business leads in the shape of phone calls, emails, website traffic and physical customers walking in the door.

Google is keen to use the tool to demonstrate its ability to deliver a personalised service. Like any global giant, it can be seen as anonymous and faceless, but this is an image it is eager to lose. The company stresses that it will work with every customer to fine tune their campaign, assess what works best and work alongside them to deliver the best results.

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Connecting People

The campaign is being championed by Google’s Leader of Small Business Advertising, Kim Spalding. She is, herself, a former small business owner and Google has made a point of connecting a voice and face to its new service. Spalding has been quick to remind the world that Google makes around nine billion connections every month between customers and businesses.

In a press briefing, she pointed out that while two thirds of small businesses use digital marketing to a certain extent, the majority find it challenging in terms of resource demands. Google Smart Campaigns is seen as a way of simplifying the entire process, and allowing small business owners to focus their attention on other operational and strategic areas.

A One Stop Shop

Google Smart Campaigns can even help businesses that have no web presence whatsoever. The idea is that by connecting the service with Google My Business, users can easily create ads, drag and drop images and even create landing pages out of thin air.

The new service went live in the USA at the end of June, and the roll out will continue in stages over the coming months. Google says Smart Campaigns will be available to all users globally by the end of the year.

Posted in PPC
Read more: Goodbye AdWords, Hello Google Ads »