How To Tweet For Your Business

Twitter is a form of short message communication that allows users to send out messages up to 140 characters long to people that follow you or your business. It is a great way to gain exposure for your company, but some businesses are not sure on how to make the most of their account. This is why we’ve put together a step by step guide to optimizing your Twitter account.

It is essential that your account and profile is correct – this is the base of your twitter presence and is what your followers will see first. Make sure it relates to your brand image and that it follows any house styles or themes in your business.

Your username should be carefully considered, as people will use this to identify your business and it will sit next to every tweet you write, so make sure you get it right! It is best if this is closely related to your company name. Avoid using punctuation to keep your name easy to type and find on mobile devices.

Twitter gives us the option of having two images on each profile page. Choose your profile picture wisely – it is best to use your business logo because this is what people associate with your company. Utilize the background image by adding in a picture of your products or even a group shot of your team to give your page a personal feel so that your clients know who they are communicating with.

What should you tweet about?

Divide your tweets up into these three sections and equally balance what type of posts you send out daily:

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One: Sales and Marketing

Make sure that you add in tweets that directly relate to the products or services that you offer. If you have an up and coming event that you want your followers to know about or attend, these kinds of tweets come under this section too.
However, don’t push your company’s message too much and lose followers through over-advertising. Balance those tweets with things that are not related to your sales effort, such as:

Two: The Company

Learn to really involve your Twitter followers in your business. People love to look at pictures, so include photographs in your tweets – these could be of your staff getting involved in office initiatives or charity events, for example. If you’re a smaller company, keep your followers updated with what your team are doing to make them feel close to your brand. Doing so will give your profile a personal touch, making you seem more approachable and easy to relate to.

If you have recently been involved in any interviews, or you’ve had a mention in an article or blog, post the link in a tweet and send it out to your followers to show them what you’ve been up to.
Tweets that fall into this section also allow you to answer any FAQs you have been getting from your customers, or tips on how to use your products.

Three: General Information

Alongside promotional and company-specific tweets, you can be broader with what you are sending out to make your posts exciting and refreshing to your followers. For example, if you have found an interesting article that you think they might be interested in, tell them. Ask questions and interact – a regular presence gets your business name out there.

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There are no set rules for tweet schedules, as your level of success will largely depend on the type of business you own and the amount of time and effort you’re able to put in to your social campaign. Try out these tips and see how they work for you, and let us know how you get on!

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